.. index:: kill .. _kill: Kill ---- **kill** [ *signal-number* ] [unconditional] Send this process a POSIX signal ('9' for 'SIGKILL' or 'kill -SIGKILL') 9 is a non-maskable interrupt that terminates the program. If program is threaded it may be expedient to use this command to terminate the program. However other signals, such as those that allow for the debugged to handle them can be sent. Giving a negative number is the same as using its positive value. Examples: +++++++++ :: kill # non-interuptable, nonmaskable kill kill 9 # same as above kill -9 # same as above kill! # same as above, but no confirmation kill unconditional # same as above kill 15 # nicer, maskable TERM signal kill! 15 # same as above, but no confirmation .. seealso:: :ref:`quit ` for less a forceful termination command; `exit` for another way to force termination. :ref:`run ` and :ref:`restart ` are ways to restart the debugged program.